My Turf Top Ten

So... Turf  is on my mind. I’m a little obsessed (which makes sense when you hear the full name of this app... "Turf: Outdoor Addiction"). Here’s why you too might consider giving it a try:

10. On average, I’m happily clocking an additional 5,000-10,000 steps per day on Turf. 

9. It’s outdoors, its active, and though it uses tech, that’s not the focus at all. You can Turf by running, walking, and biking.

8. I now have a “destination” or a “reason”  for my workout. Makes me feel quite accomplished- for the workout itself AND the zones taken.

7. It’s creating community among players; for me, that's encouraging fun activity and conversation with my coworkers. 

6. I'm seeing parts of the city I’ve never seen before; intriguing nooks & crannies, special places, and new views. Everything from witnessing a red tailed hawk swoop down on its prey to hearing the Accordion Guy at the Palace of Fine Arts. It’s not your same old treadmill run or even your usual outdoor loop.

5. It’s something healthy and competitive to do, even with just 10-15 minutes of free time.

4. Though competitive, it’s also collaborative; the exchange of zones between players (aka “taking a zone”) is necessary for everyone to gain more points. Friendly competition, what’s better than that?

3. It’s a fun (and cheap & cheerful) thing to do with the kiddos. For them, it’s better than a hike (my son says it’s a great “trick” to liking hiking).

2. Ok, maybe I only have 9 reasons, but...

1. It makes me happy. Try it! 


Those Who Wander

“Not all those who wander are lost.” -J.R.R. Tolkien

(A few of my August wanderings, while playing Turf).

A fresh pair of Hokas and a spring in my step, a solid podcast choice, a new route. Today I saw the Sunset [district] from a new angle. It’s surprising to me after 20 years in SF. And that’s been the case with the rest of the city; how lovely and lucky to have an excuse to see and see again. 

You’ll Want To Try This: Turf Game

Calling all outdoors lovers, early adopters, and anyone who enjoys a healthy dose of fun and competition. You’ll want to try this.

Two years ago, at the suggestion of my brother- and sister-in-law, I joined Turf. My in-laws live in Stockholm, where the Turf app is extremely popular. There are thousands of users getting outdoors and playing this game every day in Sweden and the neighboring countries. While we were in Stockholm, I started playing as a way to see the city.

For the past two years I’ve only been able to play the game locally (in SF) against Swedish Turfers who happen to be visiting San Francisco. As of this week, however, the Turf Crew has made magic happen and the Turf app is available in the US App Store (thank you Turf Crew! You rock!) at 

So far, I’ve convinced my husband and a few game coworkers (pun intended) to give it a try... and the past two days have been SO. MUCH. FUN. I’ve always been an outdoors person; I love trail running, hiking, even walking in my neighborhood for fresh air, exercise, and the time to myself or with friends. But Turf has encouraged me (I’d even say incentivized me) to take quick 5-10 minute breaks to “take a zone” and come back to work refreshed and delighted. (Sidenote: I never use the term “delighted.” But this is just that – delightful.)

Ok- so what does this even mean- to “take a zone?“ A zone is a small area, perhaps 25‘ x 25‘, and when you step into that location you are “taking a zone.” By taking a zone, you “own” that zone (albeit temporarily) and are allocated points accordingly. If you take a “neutral” zone— one that has not been taken by any other “Turfer” yet— you’ll receive a 50 point “neutral bonus.” In addition, some zones allocate a point per hour gain, for as long as you hold the zone. And that’s where the fun comes in – people can steal your zones. Other Turfers are also competing with you for points, number of zones, and medals. Medals can be earned for all sorts of different reasons, like taking a bridge or aquatic zone, or holding onto a number of zones at the same time.

As with anything new, it’s easier to understand through experience than through someone’s description.* But when asked why I play Turf, I share that I’ve been logging at least 5,000 extra steps per day all week (now that I have some local competition in this game!). It’s also just plain fun, competitive in the right way, and incentive to be healthier. Some people ask if it’s like Pokémon Go. Maybe...ish? While I’m not personally interested in catching an imaginary animal, I’m obsessed and delighted (!!!) to take zones. There’s a reason it’s called Turf: Outdoor Addiction. So download the Turf app and give it a try. See you out there, Future Turfers! Lycka till!**


*I’ll continue to post some information in the next week on how to Turf, including a rudimentary tutorial, and more on all those fun little symbols on the bottom right of your turf app.

* *Good luck! (In Swedish)


Turf in Sweden: yellow dots are neutral zones, red dots are zones taken by a Turfer. Over the course of a round, turfers try to gain as many points and zones as possible. When a round ends, winners are announced and points/zones are reset for the next round. 


The Bay Area has quite a few zones. The green person is “me” and green dots are the zones I’ve taken. Red dots are other Turfers who have taken zones.


It takes approximately 30 seconds to take a zone (so you have to be standing still in that area). After taking a zone, the area is blocked to other Turfers for a short while. The longer you play, the greater your “blockage time” and the lesser your …

It takes approximately 30 seconds to take a zone (so you have to be standing still in that area). After taking a zone, the area is blocked to other Turfers for a short while. The longer you play, the greater your “blockage time” and the lesser your “takeover time.”

Food Allergies: Not a Joke, Peter Rabbit

As a food allergy parent, I don’t love seeing a life-threatening disability being the brunt of a joke. However, I can handle (or even appreciate) jokes if they’re accompanied by intentional lesson-learning or responsible use of media influence. Sony has done neither of those things in the new Peter Rabbit movie, and instead perpetuates misconceptions and miseducation about food allergies and anaphylaxis.

As noted by Kids with Food Allergies (a division of Asthma and Allergy foundation of America) a character in the movie is intentionally attacked using his allergen (food allergy bullying), goes into anaphylaxis (a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death) and requires epinephrine (a short-term, rapid medication but it is not long-lasting- buying time until medical help is sought). After his “epi-pen” is administered the character continues as if fine, instead of being rushed to the emergency room for additional medications/monitoring as would happen in real life. There’s also a scene in which they state, “everyone has allergies nowadays,” implying that allergies are exaggerated or overstated. Or worse, a choice.

If you’re thinking, “Those food allergy parents and kids are such special snowflakes” then I think you’re missing a piece of information. This isn’t a choice, and it’s not an exaggeration. We don’t wish to have this disability in our lives. But we do, and precaution and education are our best friends. Our greatest fear is not actually the food allergy itself – it’s people who don’t understand the food allergy and therefore endanger the lives of our kids. YOU are our greatest fear.

If you’re thinking, “ these people should just relax, it’s not such a big deal” then I ask, why are you so worried about what we are worried about? If it doesn’t affect you, stay silent. It’s OK to not contribute your opinion if you’re not affected.

If you’re thinking, “it’s just a joke, where’s your sense of humor?” consider that triggering past traumatic incidents— whether for the child or the parent who has experienced the near-loss— is never funny. Making light of something serious trivializes its importance.

If you’re thinking, “wow, everybody has to be so PC these days” know that it’s not about being correct, it’s about being kind. It’s about the underlying intent; is it to hurt? Or is it to help? Sony, or any organization in a position of influence, should use their influence to help.

And, lastly, If you’re thinking, “she’s so over the top with this allergy stuff,” consider this- I used to be you. I was once someone who thought other people’s allergies were annoying or over the top. And then I was blessed with a food-allergic kid. It’s made me a much more empathetic person. No joke. 

Further Reflections on Anaphylaxis

This past week has been a blur; a swirl of emotions and learnings. On Sunday, Colten (my older son) had an anaphylactic reaction (he's fine now- read previous blog post) and I've been so grateful for the support of family, friends and even friends-of-friends in the wake of the incident.

The biggest thing I've come to realize on a very personal level is 1) I'm so glad for all our preparation and 2) there is a difference between theoretical preparation and practice and in-the-moment, crisis management. I know this well in my professional life, but it's different when it's your child... a piece of your heart.

So I'm driven to extract as much learning as I can from the situation. I'm currently reading Adam Grant's "Originals" and really identify with the "defensive pessimism" he illuminates- deliberately utilizing/thinking about an emergency scenario in order to consider the worst case possibilities, drilling into all aspects in order to avoid disaster.

Here's what has emerged in sharing my story with friends and family- additional ideas and reflections:

1. "Find My IPhone" is Your Friend

We had this function enabled on Colten's phone, but didn't think to use it to locate him. What a stress-reducer that would have been as my husband combed the Golden Gate Bridge for our child in an emergency. And in general, a good thing to remember as he gains independence in his teen years.

2.  Never Too Soon for the Epi-Pen

I'm not a medical professional, and I'm not giving medical advice- I'm sharing what I have learned. The doctor in our emergency room clearly reinforced for us to use the epi-pen at the first signs of anaphylaxis, (even if you're wondering if this is the right time). Not to wait for additional signs. The last thing I want is to wish I had used it or used it earlier. The side effects of epinephrine are preferable to the alternative.

3. More Diligence Around Ingredients

Colten asked if the cookie had nuts, and the adult with him called the friend she bought them from, whose daughter was the baker. The answer was "no, no nuts" however the cookies had been mislabeled. It's making us rethink our family "rules" regarding ingredient questions; what kind of labels we trust, and/or how we communicate the repercussions of our allergy ingredient questions to those who are less familiar with food allergies.

4. Find a Teen Food Allergy Support Group

We've talked with Colten a lot about his allergies. However it seems more obvious to me now that he needs to talk with peers who have experienced this, and who understand from a first-hand perspective. We'll be looking into this in the coming month to see if something exists near us.

Here's to sharing learnings... onward, Allergy friends!

A Scary Day in the Life with Food Allergies

I'm passionate about food allergy awareness- I just had new awareness yesterday. Sharing this [very long] story in the hopes that it helps others as well.

I consider myself and my family extremely well-educated regarding food allergies. Even so- yesterday, Colten had an anaphylactic reaction; his first since he was 1yr old. He's ok now, but it was hands-down the scariest day of our lives.

On a Boy Scout hike with his patrol group, he walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. They all had a cookie to celebrate their success. Colten asked if it had nuts and was told no... it turns out we later confirmed there was walnut in the cookie. There are a number of things that went right and went wrong from this point on.

Colten called us and left a message to say he ate a cookie and his throat was itchy. We didn't hear the phone since we were at an event. Matt picked up the message a little later, called back- but no answer. He immediately started driving to the bridge and I headed to the hike meeting location.

Along the way, neither of us could reach him nor did we know exactly where he was along the hike. I was texting him "Colten are you ok/ Colten take your epi-pen/ Colten have a grown-up call 911." Still no reply. I tried another mom whose son was on the hike. No reply. I called 911 and started to let them know that my son might be having a reaction- and got a call from Matt that Colten was ok. I hung up with 911. A minute later, Matt called back- Colten had thrown up (second symptom, confirming anaphylaxis) and he'd instructed Colten to use his epi-pen. I called 911 again, staying on the phone (through the operator asking "what street is Golden Gate Bridge on?" Really?)

Arriving at the GGB Welcome Center, there were thousands of people- it was a sunny, 70 degree day in SF. Tourists everywhere. I'm screaming his name... I finally spotted them and ran over, with 911 arriving a few minutes later. In the ambulance, they set an IV, administered more meds, and monitored him. Seeing him stable, I finally took a deep breath. At the emergency room he had more steroids and fluids to prevent an allergic rebound (a second reaction that can occur when the epinephrine wears off). He was released a few hours later from the hospital- all is ok.

The most important thing about the day was that Colten carried his epi-pen. I can't stress that enough- it saved his life. Everyone (EMTs, ER staff) gave him huge props for carrying it on him- I was surprised (seems like a "given" to me) but apparently most anaphylactic patients in the ER either don't carry it on them, or had it but didn't use it. We were also very lucky that the adult with him helped to administer the epi-pen (he was too scared and unsure). Also, Colten called us when he first felt an itchy throat, giving us time to get to him and call 911. Lastly, when in the Presidio in San Francisco, I know to call 415-561-5656 from a cell phone for emergency services, not actually "911" unless from a landline (those calls go to CHP).

That said, there are some things we'll do differently moving forward. Colten called us once, but he didn't know to keep calling us until we picked up- he now knows that. Also, while he suspected it was a reaction, he didn't know that the "super itchy throat" was the beginning of anaphylaxis. He took some Benadryl- which is a step that gets mixed reviews- it slows the reaction but it can also mask anaphylaxis (making you think you're ok).

Also, we as parents have been very reliant on Colten now having a cell phone. And our tween/teen has been so independent and mature lately- we didn't get phone numbers of others on the hike. That's a mistake we won't make again. Knowing your child is in a life or death situation and not being able to reach him ("sorry I didn't pick up mom, but it was so loud on the bridge") is not a feeling I want to relive. In my mind I replayed allergy horror stories I've recently read, over and over.

In debriefing, Colten has also recognized another symptom he had at that time. He felt "worried" (which isn't an unusual feeling for him- but in this case, was likely a symptom- many say they feel "weird" or "like something bad is happening" during anaphylaxis).

He's fine now- happily granted screen time last night to rest and recover. He's headed to the Allergist today for a follow up appointment. We are lucky and blessed.

Non Compliance

2017 kicked off well, with a lot of hiking, yoga and personal training. In mid-February, though, I did a hard hike on Mount Tam and found myself unable to walk on my right foot a few days later. The suspect? A stress fracture in my cuboid bone (the outside of foot below ankle bone).

I started with a cast on my foot, but it bothered me to the point I ask them to take it off, and promised to wear a walking boot all the time. And I do, although i take it off to drive... and sometimes at home... 

In a walking boot, I resorted to the only fitness option remaining- swimming. It was a hard sell to my brain, but after 2 or 3 times I was back in love with a sport I haven't done since high school. It's been about two months now, and I'm still digging the swimming. It's also made me realize that WOW, DO I MISS WALKING! It's funny how when I was hiking, i missed running. Now that I only swim, i miss walking. 

My sister texted the other day to say she broke her ankle. The doctor asked if she'd really wear the brace since "she had a history of non-compliance." I looked down to see my bare foot and the boot on the floor....non-compliant must run in the family.

Bad Knee

There were three surgeries years ago- ACL, kneecap, and a cleanup procedure. Having made it through and still able to play soccer, I never looked back. Nearly 20 years passed- and running became a huge part of my life. 10Ks, half marathons, and then a marathon- I was hooked. Minor afflictions like sprained ankles and plantar fasciitis couldn't keep me down long.

That was, until this year. On a sunny day, the weird tightening and stiffness I'd been experiencing (and ignoring) for two years turned into a run that felt unstable... so unstable that I thought I'd re-torn the ACL.

"We'll get an x-ray," said the doctor. "Oh, I think I need an MRI," I said wisely. After all, it was my knee. "Well, I am pretty sure you have severe arthritis," says Doogie Houser. I brush it off- this guy has no idea what he's talking about.

Turns out he did- those surgeries mean I now "have the knee of a 75-year old" (just what any 40-something old wants to hear). This past half a year has been a journey of me learning how to be active when running is no longer on the menu. Swimming? Too wet. Indoor cycling? Too indoor. Walking and yoga seem to be the answer, for now.... though i still dream of running.

Opt Outside for a Digital Detox

Re-posted from my blog piece on

Recently, my kids and I were hiking in the Marin Headlands, from the Point Bonita YMCA to the graffiti’d overlook atop the Point Bonita Lighthouse.  At the end, the narrow coastal path opens to a 270+ degree view of San Francisco.  Every time we see this, we stand there in awe.  And as someone who loves capturing moments, I took advantage of the great panoramic photo and asked the kids to smile.  My oldest balked:

“Mom, we're on a hike. Do you think you can put your phone away?”

Ouch. It’s hard to know when to document the moment and when to be in the moment, but you can count on your 12 year old to clarify this for you. My kids know I’m a stickler about technology having a time and a place, and they are more than happy to remind me when I’m not aligning with my own values.

This Friday is another opportunity for that digital detox: Opt Outside. After the food and family and friends—and instead of spending time indoors or online—consider joining the national movement to take time for personal wellness through connection to nature. We know that time outdoors has all kinds of health benefits like stronger bones, better eyesight, reduced risk of obesity and diabetes, longer attention span, increased creativity, and better relationship skills, to name a few—and the focus on “green time” instead of “screen time” might be just what we need.

We came up with a list of our favorite things to do when we Opt Outside—join us and post your photo (your one tech moment!) to celebrate with #OptOutside #DigitalDetox #HealthyLiving

Five Ways to #OptOutside with the Family This Friday


Sign the REI #OptOutside pledge to get outdoors and head to a state or national park or recreation area for the day.


Sometimes it’s hard to motivate, and my suggestion of a hike can be met with groans if the kiddos are sleepy or lazy.  But suggest a scavenger hunt using a Polaroid camera, or bring a notebook to document your findings (bonus points for a waterproof notebook like “Rite in the Rain” and sharpies)… and suddenly this hike sounds like loads of fun. We’ve also spiced up our hikes with camp songs and the Yelling Game (someone says go and the players can yell for as long as they can run- great silly fun and a little extra lung workout!). For the artistic, use the hike as inspiration to sketch or doodle along the way. The Presidio’s Andy Goldsworthy installations are a great way to enjoy large scale nature art while hiking.


Hike to a nearby labyrinth or make one! If you are in the Bay Area, our favorite is the Labyrinth at Land’s End in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Or find one near you! But you can also make your own anywhere out of rope, stones, sand or leaves (and if at a park or common space, just remember to leave the area as you found it when you’re done). Labyrinths have been used for hundreds of years for relaxation, meditation and for fun.


Feeling like some good old-fashioned casual outdoor fun? Invite some friends (and friends of friends!) to a nearby park for a play date with Kickball, Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee, and Sardines. (Sardines is our current favorite- it’s the opposite of Hide and Seek. The “It” player hides while the group members (seekers) close their eyes and count to 30.  Each seeker player then tries to find “It” and quietly join him or her in the hiding spot. Pretty soon everyone is packed in like sardines, and the last player to find “It” becomes the new “It.” Playing this game in the old military bunkers at Fort Barry was a huge hit with my 8 year-old son and his friends- you can park at the Point Bonita YMCA and walk southwest to Battery Mendell or northeast past the Rodeo Beach overlook to Battery O’Rourke for some great Sardine-quality bunkers.


Challenge your family to experience a number of the activities on the San Francisco Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights this Friday, or complete the entire list throughout the weekend. Next on our list for achieving #1 (“exploring wild places”) is the Wave Organ along the Marina Boat Harbor in San Francisco.  The Bill of Rights is also a great way to appreciate the nearby nature in your own neighborhood even if you only have an hour or two.

Like many, my family is making the commitment to get outside this Friday and I’ve promised the kids they’ll only have to suffer through one photo (or perhaps a few, depending upon their squirmy factor) to document the day. Have fun and be well outdoors!

Nearby Nature: Headlands Magic

Re-posted from my blog piece on

One day last year, we were on our way to the Marin Headlands for a family treasure hunt program hosted by the Point Bonita Y.  From the back seat of the car I hear:

Kid #1: Wow this is pretty. Do they have electricity here? 
Kid #2: Hey, look- suburbs!?!?
Kid #1: Boy, this place is a long way from Safeway. 

My boys are city kids; that’s for certain.  But they’ve been raised by a trail running/hiking/former camp director of a mom, and a backpacker/camping enthusiast of a dad.  And they’ve quite literally grown up at a Y within a national park.  The Presidio is where they come after school, on weekends, and daily each summer.  And yet, the Marin Headlands, contiguous to the Presidio and part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, felt foreign and mysterious to them.  Like maybe there were no modern amenities or groceries available.

And then there was this other day of hiking in the headlands:

Oli: Mom, can we just stay here all day? 
Me: Sweetie, you have futsal practice today. [Futsal/indoor soccer is his favorite sport]
Oli: Ok, well then can we come right back after futsal? And when do we get to sleep over here?  I think there should be a “Kids Night Out” here.

My kids can’t get enough of the magic of nearby nature. The Marin Headlands are just 12 minutes’ drive from the Golden Gate Bridge, but it feels like worlds away.  The Point Bonita Y is launching a new Family Camp program here, and I can’t wait to see my kids and others experiencing the wonder of the national park.  Stay tuned!


Starting in November, Family Camp Weekends are available to the community and Y members as an extension of “Let’s Move! Outside,” a national initiative and collaboration of the YMCA and the National Park Service. Along with local partners the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and the Presidio Trust, the Y and NPS are providing hundreds of youth and families with meaningful opportunities to play, learn, serve and work in our national park.  No supplies needed- just bring yourself and your family and your sense of adventure.