There were three surgeries years ago- ACL, kneecap, and a cleanup procedure. Having made it through and still able to play soccer, I never looked back. Nearly 20 years passed- and running became a huge part of my life. 10Ks, half marathons, and then a marathon- I was hooked. Minor afflictions like sprained ankles and plantar fasciitis couldn't keep me down long.
That was, until this year. On a sunny day, the weird tightening and stiffness I'd been experiencing (and ignoring) for two years turned into a run that felt unstable... so unstable that I thought I'd re-torn the ACL.
"We'll get an x-ray," said the doctor. "Oh, I think I need an MRI," I said wisely. After all, it was my knee. "Well, I am pretty sure you have severe arthritis," says Doogie Houser. I brush it off- this guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Turns out he did- those surgeries mean I now "have the knee of a 75-year old" (just what any 40-something old wants to hear). This past half a year has been a journey of me learning how to be active when running is no longer on the menu. Swimming? Too wet. Indoor cycling? Too indoor. Walking and yoga seem to be the answer, for now.... though i still dream of running.