R5 / D12: The Nitty Gritty

TCHP Chemotherapy: Round 5 of 6 / Day 12 of 21

Sleep: woke at 4:50 to enjoy some extremely weak coffee (don’t want to point fingers but,… husband) in front of the fireplace. Only 6 hours of sleep but a third of it was REM, which means my body is processing new learnings, memories, skills. That tracks with my new start to the year.

Whoop Score: Despite my lack of sleep, my recovery score was bright green at 90% and my HRV was higher than recent average. This signals my body is ready to perform. Since I’m not extremely well rested but my body can handle strain, I’m going to opt for a long hearty hike at Tennessee Valley- combining my daily/weekly goals of adventure and self care. See below for pics.

Body Scan: This round of chemo has done a number on my skin. My lips are chapped and the tips of my fingers are so dry they are velcroing themselves to any adjacent fabric. I own 5 tubes of aquaphor but can’t find any of them… it’s like pens or glasses… they are everywhere until you need them. My pro tip (after finding the aquaphor) is to buy a few pair of those cheap gloves with the tech tips on the finger and the thumb, slather a bunch of Aquaphor on my hands, and then cover up with the gloves. Now you can do things, including using your phone, without getting everything slimy.

On my mind: “what will I do with my one wild and precious life?”- Mary Oliver

Fun Fact: Eye twitches. Like, all the time. It’s super distracting. Has progressively become worse with each round of chemo but my oncologist assures me that like my declining vision, things will go back to normal within a few months after the infusions cease.