July 2024, Leaning Tower of Pisa
January 2025, Tunnel Tops


I initially started this blog years ago as a place to channel my thoughts as an outdoor enthusiast, a food allergy advocate, and an aspiring creator.

Now I find myself wanting to reflect, document, and share again… on a different topic. I was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 Triple Positive Breast Cancer (dx 2024) and I am navigating all that comes with it. The anxiety, the “second job” of cancer, the funny sh*t that people say to you, the things I wish I knew, the learnings- I’m writing about it all now. For myself and for others who may find it helpful.

But why call this “Runner Emeritus?” Well, as my personal trainer told me a few months ago when we began working on my recovery: “You’ve got this. Remember: you’ve essentially trained your whole life for this.” Yes, yes, I have. I’m a runner emeritus*. (Thanks, Keir!)

 *this is a made up term. I made it up. It means someone who used to be a runner- but who does not currently run- and yet still thinks of themselves as a runner.. I should probably TM this.